Current Clients


DC Office on Aging

Senior Organizational Developer assisting with writing a district-wide Discharge Planning Manual for DC residents with multiple or complex needs 

Linked Senior

Compiled a literature review on dementia engagement research showing the positive impact of non-drug therapy. This information was then used to create marketing materials for Linked Senior clients.


Wrote and submitted a grant application on behalf of the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Service Professionals to the Retirement Research Foundation which was then fully funded for $20,000 to support the project "Beyond the Meal: The Value of Socialization in Older Americans Act Congregate Nutrition Programs." Provides grant management on the project including the creation of a literature review covering the benefits of socialization for older adults.

National Council on Aging

Conducted the research, data analysis and writing for the 2015 Benefits Enrollment Centers (BECs) cohort report. This report examines the successes and challenges  of the BECs in increasing benefits enrollment among low-income Medicare beneficiaries. 


Past Clients


Provided member engagement assistance for the Alliance Corporate Members program including the development and testing of a members only website platform and presentation of the website at the Aging2.0 2015 International Conference in San Francisco. 

Elder Justice Coalition

Led the research and writing of a chapter with Robert Blancato in the forthcoming "Elder Abuse: Research, Practice and Policy" to be published in Spring 2017 by Springer. This will be a useful resource for aging researchers, social services, general internists, family medicine physicians, social workers, nurses, and legal professionals interested in the issues of elder abuse.

Generations United

Provided research on potential funders, drafted LOIs and grant application proposals. Assisted with strategic planning for engaging members nationally.

Jade Gong & Associates

Compiled a literature review of publications from the last decade on morbidity and mortality of falls for older adults and their costs to the healthcare industry in America.

Matz, Blancato, & Associates

Assists with research and writing on a project by project basis with current Matz, Blancato, & Associates clients  

Mosaic Growth Partners

Assists with research on budgeting forecasts, initiatives and key contacts for CMS, AHRQ, FDA, DHA, profiles of digital health startup companies and business development for the company

Women Enabled International

In 2015, completed a comprehensive international report including data and analysis of women and girls with disabilities worldwide. My work available here. As the current Development Project Advisor, provide grant writing and research to further support the WEI mission. 

DC Office on Aging

Acted as Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Federal Grant Lead. Principal writer of the final Strengthening ADRC report to the Administration for Community Living (ACL). Assisted with community-wide partnership building and implementation of ADRC evaluation plan. Improved effectiveness of ADRC's outreach efforts through coordination of flyers, website content and trainings (Summer 2015).